    钻石、宝石等元素在设计大师天马行空的造型下传递出摄人心魂的魅力,成为今年最前沿的时尚细节。IDee玫瑰戒指 心形戒指 ..系列首饰 冷艳而孤傲的豹子,赋予了珠宝不可驯服、骄傲的高贵气质。 Idee品牌耳环 瑰丽的红色宝石是最能表现古典与现代韵味的经典元素,只需要一点便可展现不俗品味。
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Gary wright and Sheila Teague are the design duo behind the brand name IDee.The mission of IDee is to create moderncontemporary luxury.With a strong sense of exclusive style IDee design is based on international fashion moods and the romantic French design tradition.FOR information go to www.ideewomen.com
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